- In order to rotate a face of the cube, you have to press in that face and do a movemente in the direction you want to rotate. You only can rotate one of 3 faces each time. To move other faces, you have to rotate the whole cube.
- In order to rotate the entire cube to view other faces, you have to press and move the pointer outside the cube. You can move vertically or horizontally depending on the main component of your movement in the x,y axis. Once you release the pointer the cube stay in the normalized position closest to actual rotation, i.e. the cube rotates allways a entire number of 90ยบ degrees.
- Save and restore the cube position for later continuing.
- Improve gestual movements.
- Rotating cube in z axis.
- Button for solving the cube.
- Rotating faces in real time, i.e. same time the user moves the pencil.
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